
by Stonewall Capital srl



With SmartConv it is possible to take advantage of the taxi transport service in your city fortake advantage of discounts and pay for journeys made with deferred payments.The user agreement with SmatConv- Call the taxi at the phone number of the Taxi Consortium enabled for the service- Run the race- Through the Application Authorizes the deferred payment of the trip- Receives the invoice of all the journeys made during the month from the Taxi Consortium- Pay the bill to the Taxi Consortium or by credit card associated with the agreement or by bank transferSmartConv for CompaniesThe company which has an agreement with SmartConv has the possibility of establishing a ceiling for the transportation of its employees by taxi.The company affiliated with SmartConv- Create users by assigning each month a monthly spending ceiling- View the runs made by your employees- Receives the invoice from the Taxi Consortium of all the journeys made by its employees in themonth- Pay the bill to the Taxi Consortium by credit card associated with the agreement orby bank transfer